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Principal Investigators

George Demiris PhD, FACMI

University of Pennsylvania

School of Nursing & Perelman School of Medicine

Jason Karlawish MD

University of Pennsylvania

Division of Geriatric Medicine

Perelman School of Medicine

Jason H. Moore PhD, FACMI

Cedars Sinai

Department of Computational Biomedicine

Aging Focus Pilot Core

The overarching goal of the Aging Focus Pilot Core is to promote the advancement of science using technology and artificial intelligence to optimize health and care management for older adults living in their homes independently, and those receiving skilled home and community-based services. This Core establishes a national network of home care agencies, PACE sites, and Managed Long-Term Services and Supports interested in supplying data and/or serving as test sites. The Core solicits, selects, and manages pilot studies that develop or test AI and technology applications to detect risk, predict needs, address disparities, improve access to care, and support decision making for chronic illness management and safe aging in place for older adults and their family caregivers.

Kathryn H. Bowles PhD, FACMI, FAAN

School of Nursing

Pamela Z. Cacchione, PhD, CRNP, FAAN

School of Nursing

AD/ADRD Focus Pilot Core

The overarching goal of the Alzheimer's Disease and Alzheimer's Disease Related Dementias (AD/ADRD) Focus Pilot Core is to promote the advancement of science and engineering for predictive analytics, clinical decision support, or the care of adults with AD/ADRD. This Core solicits, reviews, and supports pilot studies that develop or advance the use of AI and technology for AD/ADRD predictive analytics, clinical decision support, or the care of adults with AD/ADRD.

Lauren Massimo PhD, CRNP

School of Nursing


Dawn Mechanic-Hamilton PhD

Department of Neurology

Perelman School of Medicine

Networking and Mentoring Core

The overarching goal of the Networking and Mentoring Core (Core E) is to support activities intended to facilitate networking and mentoring for the awardees of the Aging and AD pilot projects, all of whom are invested in Artificial Intelligence (AI) approaches and technology for aging adults, including those with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementias (AD/ADRD). This Core organizes and supports consortium networking activities and communicates with the broader scientific community.


Marylyn D. Ritchie PhD

Department of Genetics

Perelman School of Medicine

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Dokyoon Kim PhD

Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Informatics

Perelman School of Medicine

Clinical Translation and Validation Core

The goal of the Clinical Translation and Validation Core is to use the science and practice of geriatrics and gerontology to assess the feasibility and clinical utility of artificial intelligence (AI) methods for clinical decision support and of new technology for monitoring aging adults in their home. This Core provides an expert panel to assess the feasibility and clinical value of new artificial intelligence models for predictive analytics and clinical decision support and of new technologies designed to monitor aging adults and those with AD/ADRD. It provides a testbed for new technologies designed to monitor aging adults and those with AD/ADRD with an emphasis on underserved and rural populations.

Jason Karlawish MD

Division of Geriatric Medicine

Perelman School of Medicine

Rebecca T. Brown MD, MPH

Division of Geriatric Medicine

Perelman School of Medicine

Technology Identification and Training Core

The overarching goal of the Technology Identification and Training Core is to use evidence from the literature, stakeholder and expert inputs to identify the technology needs of older Americans, as well as develop training activities for artificial intelligence (AI) and technology for scientists, engineers, clinicians, medical professionals, patients, policy makers, and investors.


Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Informatics

Perelman School of Medicine

Ryan Urbanowicz PhD

Department of Computational Biomedicine

Stakeholder Engagement Core

The overarching goal of the Stakeholder Engagement Core (SEC) is to ensure that technology solutions and AI approaches proposed and developed by the PennAITech Collaboratory are maximally adoptable by and accessible to their end users by soliciting ongoing stakeholder input and involving all key parties throughout all phases of the development and testing processes. The Core maintains a technology consortium (consisting of technology companies, startups, venture capital firms, and angel investors) that provide guidance and collaboration opportunities for pilot projects and a platform for potential dissemination and commercialization of innovative tools.


George Demiris PhD, FACMI

School of Nursing &

Perelman School of Medicine

Lisa M. Walke MD, MSHA

Division of Geriatric Medicine

Perelman School of Medicine

Ethics and Policy Core

The overarching goal of the Ethics and Policy Core is to shift the current

ethics and policy paradigm by focusing on issues that arise at the intersection of aging and of AI methods and technologies for healthy aging. The Core will work in close collaboration with the other PennAITech Collaboratory Cores to address four key issues: (1) promoting the autonomy of older adults by balancing considerations of usefulness and intrusiveness; (2) protecting older adults in light of vulnerability due to cognitive and functional decline; (3) mitigating bias and addressing health disparities, such as racial disparities and urban-rural disparities; and (4) safeguarding the data privacy of older adults. 

Emily Largent JD, PhD, RN

Medical Ethics and Health Policy

Perelman School of Medicine

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Anna Wexler PhD

Medical Ethics and Health Policy

Perelman School of Medicine

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